Proofs of Concept
It can be an emperor scorpion under heavy cream, a lot or a little. It can have a life redirect to it is alive and then some. Enough heavy cream (a lot) (cards down) and the surface will close over it and remain undisturbed. It is opposed to infancy without modifier. Some of the above may change with changes to focal length or sure footing, as these modify the card events needed for broadcast (because you don’t broadcast just a screen).
Within the eaves can be the right framework even without modifier. Some the above and some of what follows will remain constant irrespective of redirect. Code-safe access redirect to fire code. Fire chief insists on a well-scratched self-head. A lot of his rescuers are lost in the halls and stairwells, which can be a first-person experience of pure activity redirect to pure joy. Long coda or endgame in which firemen bore and tunnel out the interior spaces of an otherwise enclosed and finite block of wood. Space tunneled ever finer is modeled in the cards as the scale of card events slides to microscopic and beyond. It is absorbent to a degree approaching infinite. One player is firemen considered as solids, the agents of the approach to infinity; as another player, they are considered liquids, and they are infinitely absorbed.
This one is not literary and needs naught but dumb exchange of held cards if it all goes right. What you have is a sleeping seal on the beach otherwise without modifier. There is no mainland, just a spit of sand with no left and no right extent: an utter exception. There are no roads but only enough sand to tacqk from without modifier. Mostly there is only water. But anyway I do have a big sheet of plastic rolled up not unlike a seal-shaped body back in the bed of the truck. The goal is for it to have been spread out underneath the seal already, and to tacqk it out from underneath without making a sound or otherwise disturbing the seal’s sleep. When the seal wakes up it starts yarping.
The night sky, a lot or a little. There is absolutely no question as to who is on the other end. Light experiences neither speed nor time, but the hold time will be a number of minutes with added specificity, so deal these out. Locked in a mutual inescapable group phone hold (invisible lines), all the stars (diamonds) blacken, igniting the darkness (spades and clubs). Numbers trace the melody of the conversations you’re not having. Some more rules fall, into place. Winner is final uneliminated player.
You can try to envenom directly but it’d be more populist if written with specificity in blood in large letters on a highly visible wall, short term give or take but indelible no question. “Or the language is in you like a mind,” says Jennifer Kronovet in a poem in Fence volume 16 number 2 which is pretty perfectly put I think. If cards can assemble these circumstances then great but it only seems to be possible to find pretty unsatisfactory ways to turn cards to words or vice versa using cards. Anyway you can write inscrutable words visible from outer space but only if you are a prehistoric people. And cryptic coloration charges any otherwise non-envenomation with an intensity approaching the nightmarish. That is, the words are flush.